Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Acids and Alkalis

For example - alkalis such as caustic soda used in cleaning materials; acids such as sulphuric acid used in batteries.

Both alkalis and acids are irritant and corrosive to the skin, eyes, nose and throat. They cause burns and can destroy ordinary protective clothing.

Avoid splashes to the skin, eyes and clothing. Wear suitable protective impervious apron, gloves and goggles. Do not breath mists.

Make sure access to eye wash bottles, shower and soap are readily available for splashing accidents.

Display Eye Hazard sign.


Highly flammable, explosive - observe No Smoking policy.

Used within the vehicle as safety restraints.

The inflator contains a high-energy propellant which, when ignited, produces a VERY HOT GAS (2500ºC).

The gas inflator (generator) used in air bags is Sodium Azide. This material is hermetically sealed in each air bag module and is completely consumed during deployment. No attempt should be made to open an air bag inflator as this will lead to the risk of exposure to Sodium Azide. If a gas generator is ruptured, full protective clothing should be worn when dealing with the spillage.

After normal deployment, gloves and safety goggles should be worn during the handling process.

Deployed air bags should be disposed of in a plastic bag in accordance with local regulations at an approved chemical waste site.

Following any direct contact with Sodium Azide:

Air Bags - Do's

Air Bags - Do Not


Whenever work is being undertaken on the air suspension system, suitable eye protection must be worn.


Highly flammable, combustible - observe No Smoking policy.

Skin contact may result in frostbite.

Instructions given by the manufacturer must be followed. Avoid naked lights, wear suitable protective gloves and goggles.

If refrigerant comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse the affected areas with water immediately. Eyes should also be rinsed with an appropriate irrigation solution such as a solution of 9% Sodium Chloride and Purified Water. DO NOT RUB THE EYES AND SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.


Do Not


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