Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Child restraint check list

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section.

Every time a child travels in the vehicle, observe the following:

Non-LATCH child restraints

LATCH child restraints


 Child safety information

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Children should travel in the rear of the vehicle at all times. Front passenger seat tr

 Vehicle specific information

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Extreme hazard! Never place a rearward facing child restraint on the front passenger se

 Fitting latch child restraints

Make sure to read and fully understand the relevant warnings before using any of the features in this section. Do not attempt to fit a LATCH child restraint to the center rear seating position. The


 Rear View Mirrors - Component Location, Overview

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 Media safety

Make sure the following warnings and cautions have been read and fully understood before using any of the media controls or features. Failure to use the media controls or features safely could result in an accident, leading to serious injury, death or damage to the vehicle and its components. Do no

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