Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Collision avoidance


 Collision avoidance safety

Make sure the following warnings have been read and fully understood before driving the vehicle. Failure to use the collision avoidance systems safely could result in an accident, leading to serious i

 Forward alert

Make sure the relevant safety warnings have been read and understood before driving the vehicle. Forward alert may not react to slowmoving vehicles. Always drive with due care and attention. Driving

 Autonomous emergency braking (AEB) safety

Make sure the following warnings and notes have been read and fully understood before driving the vehicle. Failure to understand the Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system could result in an accid


 Component Location, Overview

COMPONENT LOCATION COMPONENT LOCATION - 1 OF 2 - AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF) cooler ATF cooler pipes Emergency Park Release (EPR) lever Automatic transmission COMPONENT LOCATION - 2 OF 2 - TRANSMISSION CONTROL NOTE: Right Hand Drive (RHD) variant shown, Left Hand

 Engine start backup

The engine start backup feature is required to disarm the alarm and start the engine if either of the following occur: The vehicle is unlocked using the emergency key blade. The smart key is not detected by the vehicle. The engine start backup feature can only be used when the instrument panel

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