Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Phone


 Phone safety

Make sure the following warnings have been read and fully understood before using the phone features. Failure to use the phone features safely could result in an accident, leading to serious injury o

 Phone system overview

Make sure the relevant safety warnings have been read and understood before operating the phone features. Note: The touchscreen displays the recent call list in the order that the calls were recorded

 Pairing and connecting using the phone

Make sure the relevant safety warnings have been read and understood before operating the phone features. Note: The process of pairing and connecting with the vehicle, from the phone, varies dependin


 Ride Height Adjustments

GENERAL PROCEDURES SPECIAL TOOL(S) 204-557B Gauge, Ride height CAUTIONS: Make sure the wheels and tires, tie rod ends, suspension joints and wheel bearings are free from damage, wear and free play. Make sure there are no heavy objects in the vehicle. The ride height must be measured with the

 Warning Devices - Diagnosis and Testing

DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the side obstacle detection system, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section in the workshop manual. INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION CAUTION: Diagnosis by substitution from a donor vehicle is NOT acceptable. Subs

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