Make sure the relevant safety warnings have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.
Adaptive cruise control allows the driver to set a cruising speed for the vehicle. The vehicle's speed automatically reduces if a slower moving vehicle is detected in the lane ahead. The system then maintains a constant gap to the vehicle ahead. If the system detects that the slower moving vehicle is no longer present, it automatically raises the vehicle's speed back to the set speed. In some scenarios, adaptive cruise control also brings the vehicle to a standstill, if required.
Note: The adaptive cruise control system illuminates the brake lights when it applies the brakes. A noise may also be heard.
Adaptive cruise control comprises a number of different sub-features including:
Note: Adaptive cruise control is not available when the speed limiter is in operation. When the vehicle is first switched on, the vehicle reverts to whichever system was used previously.
Push the LIM switch (4) on the steering wheel controls to toggle between speed limiter and adaptive cruise control functions.
The instrument panel displays a message if a fault occurs in the adaptive cruise control system or in any of its sub-features.
If this occurs, adaptive cruise control does not operate. Consult a retailer/authorized repairer at the earliest opportunity.
Make sure the relevant safety warnings have been read and understood before driving the vehicle.
The RES (resume) switch should only be pressed if the driver is aware of the set cruising speed and intends to return to it. Pressing the RES switch when not aware of the set cruising speed may lead to a loss of control of the vehicle and personal injury.
When adaptive cruise control is operating, it monitors the area in front of the vehicle to identify any vehicles which are in its path. The vehicle's cruising speed is controlled accordingly.
Adaptive cruise control may also react to stationary vehicles that it previously recognized as traveling in the same direction.
Push the set rocker switch (1) upwards to set a desired cruising speed. The vehicle's cruising speed is set at the speed it was traveling when the switch was pressed.
Use the gap control switches (4) and (5) to adjust the set gap between the vehicle in front when follow mode is engaged.
instrument panel displays a
green information lamp to
inform the driver that adaptive
cruise control is engaged.
The steering wheel icon also illuminates green when adaptive cruise control is active.