Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Multifunction Electronic Modules


 Remote Function Actuator

DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the keyless vehicle system, refer to the relevant description and operation sections in the workshop manual. INSPECTION AND

 Driver Door Module

DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION For a detailed description of the driver/passenger door modules, refer to the relevant description and operation sections in the workshop manual. INSP

 Driver Seat Module

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION GENERAL EQUIPMENT REMOVAL WARNINGS: To avoid accidental deployment, the Restraints Control Module (RCM) backup power supply must be depleted. Wait at least 2 minutes aft


 Remote Control Electric Winch

REMOTE CONTROL ELECTRIC WINCH - PART NUMBER: VPLEP0426 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION WARNING: Accessories which are not correctly installed can be dangerous. Read the instructions carefully prior to installation. Comply with instructions at all times. If in doubt, contact your nearest approved retailer

 Sota 4G Antenna

REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION REMOVAL NOTE: This procedure contains some variation in the illustrations depending on the vehicle specification, but the essential information is always correct. This procedure contains illustrations showing certain components removed to provide extra clarity. This

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