Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Wheel and Tire Assembly Balancing



CAUTION: Only Jaguar Land Rover approved wheel and tire balancing equipment must be used during this procedure.


1. Remove the wheel and tire(s).





Wheel and Tire Assembly Balancing

Prior to tightening the wheel nuts, the high-point of RFV should be marked and the road wheel and tire assembly installed to the vehicle with the RFV high point at the top.


NOTE: Nothing should be used to brace the wheel while tightening the nuts as this can disturb the match mounting.

Install the wheel and tire(s).

7. Lower the vehicle.


9. Road test the vehicle for approximately 8 Km (5 miles), if possible road test the vehicle at speeds up to approximately 80 Km/h (50 mph).

10. Return the vehicle to the customer with a full explanation of the situation/flat-spot scenario, and how it can /does affect driving the vehicle until the wheel and tire reaches normal operating temperature.


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