Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 1-2)


1.1 Policy

These Safety Rules are designed to provide the necessary policy and procedures to enable Persons trained and authorised under these rules to safely perform servicing and repairs to Jaguar Land Rover Electric Vehicles.

Note: In addition, it is the responsibility of the Company to check and follow any local safety and electricity at work regulations in their individual market regions and comply.

Every Company has a moral and legal responsibility to make sure the health, safety and welfare of its Employees and /or contractors. Employees and contractors also have a responsibility to look after their own health and safety and the safety of others by virtue of their actions.

As a result, specific safe working procedures Shall be followed to make sure the safety of all staff and other persons not in the employment of the Company within the working vicinity.

1.2 Principles

The key principles of these EV Safety Rules are to manage and/or remove the identified risks to persons in the workplace, contractors and clients, repair and service personnel and vehicle operators.

These Safety Rules have structured levels of technician qualification and responsibility as detailed in Section 4 - Technician roles and responsibilities.

1.3 Electrical Vehicle Safety Rules

These EV Safety Rules set out the principles to be applied when working on Electric Vehicles where Danger exists from electrical energy sources that operate at High Voltage (HV). These rules Shall be applied in the following circumstances when working on HV Systems where the electrical energy source has a nominal operating voltage in excess of 60V (AC or DC).

1.4 Defined Terms

Words which appear in Bold type in these Safety Rules are 'Defined Terms' and are listed in Section 9 - Terminology and Definitions.


2.1 Scope and Application

These EV Safety Rules Shall be applied to EV High Voltage Systems and associated equipment in conjunction with any local market legislation.

2.2 Information, Instruction and Training

Arrangements Shall be made by the Company to make sure:

a) That all Employees and/or contractors concerned are adequately informed as to -

b) That all Persons concerned are informed and instructed as to the EV Systems which are affected by a particular operation or work (whether or not they are owned or operated by the Company) and which legal requirements, EV Safety Rules, related documents and procedures Shall apply.

c) That other persons, who are not Employees or contractors, but who may be exposed to Danger by the operations or work also receive correct information and instruction.

d) That the capabilities and competence of Employees or contractors are taken into account in allocating tasks.

e) That persons working on Electric Vehicles (EV) have completed Jaguar Land Rover Training for EV and are certified Persons (EVIP,EVCP, EVAP and EVSAP).

2.3 Objections

When any Person receives instructions regarding the operation of or work upon any EV System, and associated equipment, he/she Shall report any objections on safety grounds to the performing of such instructions to the Person issuing them, who Shall formally record this objection and then have the matter investigated, if necessary, referred to a higher authority before proceeding.

2.4 Duties

The Company, as an employer, has a duty to comply with the provisions of the health and safety legislation applicable and other relevant statutory provisions.

The Company's Employees and/or contractors also have a duty to follow any local safety and electricity at work regulations in their individual market regions and comply.

In addition to applicable statutory duties and any other duties separately allocated to them, all Persons who may be concerned with the operation of, or work upon, EV Systems and associated equipment Shall be conversant with, and comply with, those EV Safety Rules relevant to their duties and related documents and procedures. Ignorance of legal requirements, or of EV Safety Rules and related documents and procedures, Shall not be accepted as an excuse for neglect of duty.

If any person has any doubt as to any of these duties they Shall report the matter to a higher authority for advice before proceeding with work.

The term 'employee' Shall include Persons who are contracted to perform work for the Company.

2.5 General Safety and Requirements

In addition to all other requirements specified in these EV Safety Rules the safety of Persons at work Shall also be achieved by maintaining, at all times, General Safety at and in the vicinity of the place of work. Before work or testing commences the Electric Vehicle Competent Person (EVCP) in charge of the Working Party must make sure that safety precautions are taken to establish General Safety at and in the vicinity of the workplace. This EVCP must make sure that at all times during the work or testing that General Safety arrangements are maintained and that other work areas are not adversely affected by the activities for which he/she is responsible. The discharging of responsibilities for General Safety will be achieved as part of the normal pattern of management delegation and control by making sure that all activities are carried out in accordance with appropriate instructions and guidance.

2.6 General Requirements - Persons

Persons who are required to perform work on any EV irrespective of the nature of the work Shall, as a minimum requirement, comply with any local market legislative requirements for work on systems that operate at the voltages used on HV Systems and have successfully completed the JLR Approved EVIP e learning training course (for non EV system work) or have successfully completed the JLR approved training as an EVCP, EVAP or EVSAP for EV System work.

2.7 Use of Voltage Test Devices

Where voltage testing devices are used they Shall be of an Approved type and such usage Shall be in accordance with Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedures.

2.8 Treatment For Electric Shock

All Persons who may be concerned with the operation of, or work upon, HV Systems, and associated equipment, Shall be familiar with the emergency provisions at the place of work.

Note: It is the responsibility of the Company to check and follow any local safety legislation/guidelines for treatment of electric shock their individual market regions and comply.


Free from Contact - Do not attempt to remove a person from contact with high voltage unless suitable insulated equipment for the system voltage are used for this purpose, use suitable insulated gloves, boots, mat, or insulated hook.


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