Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 5-6)


5.1 Segregation of work areas for work on HV systems and components

Where work activities are to be performed on EV Systems which have the capability of being connected or coupled to energy sources which could give rise to any risk and/or hazard, a designated work area Shall be established by the use of barriers and signage to denote the designated work area.

The designated working area must be in place before the Electric Vehicle HV system is powered down as per the Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedure.

The safety barrier must also display the 'Danger High Voltage' sign as detailed in section 5.2 of the EV safety rules or any specific warning wording as required by local legislation.

Only Persons who are directly associated with the work under the Permit-to-Work (PTW) or those who are signed onto the Working Party of a Live Work Certificate (LWC) are permitted to access the designated work area.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

5.2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Status Signs

Three types of signs Shall be displayed on an EV when presented for repair, maintenance or servicing. These signs indicate the operational status of the vehicle HV system.

The application and removal of EV status signs to vehicles when work is to be undertaken under a Permit-to-Work, is the responsibility of the EVAP responsible for issuing the PTW.

Whilst EV are within a workshop environment and can be subject to work/testing activities, appropriate signs Shall be displayed in the vehicle indicating it's status.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Example: The active vehicle status sign displayed on the windscreen of an Electric Vehicle (EV) is clearly visible to all Persons.

EV Status Signs

Whilst Electric Vehicles are subject to work activities, appropriate signs Shall be displayed on the vehicle indicating it' s status.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

All Persons who are required to perform any work or test activity on an EV will confirm that the displayed status is known, understood and appropriate for the work activity to be undertaken.


6.1 Guidelines for the completion of a Permit-To-Work (PTW)

6.1.1 Authority for Issue

The PTW can only be issued once the HV System Power Down procedure has been completed by the EVAP using the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual. The PTW document is reference within the HV System Power Down procedure and is printable via Jaguar Land Rover TOPIx.

The PTW Shall be completed and issued by an single EVAP only before any work/testing is performed on a HV System and/or mechanical components associated with an HV System. If the HV System Power Down and therefore the issue of a PTW can not be completed by the EVAP that began the procedure, the outstanding PTW must be cancelled- refer to section 6.1.6. For the work/testing on the vehicle to continue the new EVAP shall start the HV System Power down procedure again.

The following icons are used in the illustrations detailed in section 6.1.4 and 6.1.5 to represent the Power Down/Up procedure only to be performed by the EVAP.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

6.1.2 Permit-to-Work Preparation

The PTW Shall be completed in accordance with the guidelines set out in EV Safety Rules Procedure - 'Section 7 - Safety Rules Procedure for Work on Isolated EV Systems', which requires the EVAP to record all relevant details on the PTW prior to issue.

6.1.3 Procedure for Issue and Receipt

The EVAP in charge of performing a HV System Power Down is required to complete sections 1,2, and 3 of the PTW at the beginning of the HV System Power Down procedure. This sections are: Section 1 - Identification of vehicle to be worked on.

Section 2 - Description of work to be performed after the HV system power down.

Section 3 - Safety precautions in place before the HV system power down.

Once the HV System Power Down procedure is complete the EVAP Shall issue the PTW to an EVCP or themselves.

The following sections Shall be completed:

Section 4 - Safety precautions in place before further work/testing on the vehicle. This section requires the EVAP to brief the recipient of the PTW regarding the safety precautions they have in place and detail the exact points of isolation introduced during the HV System Power Down procedure. This Shall be a physical walk around the vehicle with the recipient.

Section 5- Issue. This section requires a signature from the EVAP to confirm Section 4 is complete.

Section 6 - Receipt. This section requires a signature from the recipient (EVCP) confirming they are clear, have been briefed and understand the safety actions detailed in Section 4.

The recipient of a PTW Shall retain the PTW in their possession at all times whilst the work/testing is performed.

6.1.4 Working Party control - Section 7.

Where applicable the recipient of the PTW Shall also make sure that the PTW is properly explained to the other members of the Working Party in accordance with the EV Safety Rules, all members of the working party must be at least EVCP trained and signed onto Section 7 of the PTW. Once Section 7 is complete work on the vehicle can begin.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

6.1.5 Procedure for Clearance - Section 8.

A PTW Shall be cleared and cancelled when the work detailed in Section 2 of the PTW is complete. Section 8 Shall be completed by the recipient of the PTW, a signature is required confirming that they and any persons within the Working Party have withdrawn from any work activities on the vehicle.

6.1.6 Procedure for Cancellation - Section 9.

The cancellation section of the PTW Shall be completed by the EVAP responsible for performing the HV System Power Up process, the EVAP must sign Section 9 to confirm the PTW is now cancelled and they will take responsibility of the vehicle from the EVCP.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

6.1.6 Vehicle HV System Power Up - Section 10.

Section 10 requires the EVAP to confirm the vehicle is Powered Up and restored to normal operation.

Permit-To-Work format - Page 1

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Permit-To-Work format - Page 2

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Permit-To-Work format - Page 3

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

6.1.7 Using a Permit To Work (PTW) within a JLR approved body repair center.

A PTW Shall be issued at a JLR approved body repair center for repairs that require work on the vehicle HV System in accordance with the approved JLR body repair procedure. This PTW Shall be issued by an approved EVAP as per the guidelines in 6.1.1, this person could be from a local JLR approved retailer if an EVAP is not available at the body repair center.

The PTW can only be closed by the EVAP once the vehicle HV System has been powered down by the EVAP and any work specified on the PTW on the HV System has been carried out by the PTW holder.

Where parts of the HV system are required to be removed to enable body repair it is acceptable to close the PTW once the HV system components have been removed for access.

NOTE: Lock offs used to isolate the HV system MUST be left in place for the duration of the vehicle repair.

Where parts of the HV system are required to be removed to enable body repair it is acceptable to close the PTW once the HV system components have been removed for access.

When the vehicle body repairs have been completed by the EVIP technician(s) another PTW Shall be issued by an EVAP for the installation of HV System components by an EVCP and the HV System Powered Up by the EVAP, at this point the PTW can be closed.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

It is the responsibility of the JLR approved body repair center to inform the EVAP at a JLR approved retailer of the work required to be completed on the Electric Vehicle (EV). The EVAP must determine the work required for the repair, this may require HV system power down and removal of components associated with the HV System.

Process for an accident damaged EV requiring HV power down before body repair:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

  1. EVAP to power down EV.
  2. EVAP to prepare PTW defining the work required and issue to EVCP, or himself/herself.
  3. EVCP to complete the work as defined on the PTW.
  4. EVCP to sign PTW Clearance section.
  5. EVAP to sign PTW Cancellation.
  6. EVIP(s) to complete the (body) vehicle repairs.

Process for an accident damaged EV requiring HV component replacement and HV System power up:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

  1. EVAP to reference the EV PTW written for the vehicle HV component removal process and create a PTW for the EV component replacement/installation and power up procedures.
  2. EVAP to issue the PTW to the EVCP or himself/herself.
  3. EVCP to complete the work as defined on the PTW.
  4. EVCP to complete HV component bonding testing as required (see 'Component Bonding Testing' section 6.1.8).
  5. EVCP to sign PTW Clearance section.
  6. EVAP to sign PTW Cancellation.
  7. EVAP to power up the HV System and complete the vehicle Power Up section of the PTW.

6.1.8 Component bonding test within the JLR approved body repair center.

Once the vehicle (body) repairs are completed by the EVIP, the EVAP shall raise a PTW defining the work/testing required for HV System component replacement/installation and vehicle power up:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

A bonding test must be completed on all HV components that have been removed and installed or replaced during a repair. It is the responsibility of the EVCP to complete HV bonding testing as defined by the component procedures (TOPIx) listed on the PTW.

If the EVCP at the JLR approved body repair center does not have the correct equipment to complete the bonding test then a note must be made on the PTW, stating that a bonding test has not been completed. The retailer EVAP must then complete the bonding test before the vehicle is powered up.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

  1. EVCP noted 'Bonding test has not been completed' on PTW.
  2. EVAP completes bonding test of HV components before completing the EV power up process.

WARNING: Failure to complete a HV component bonding test will seriously compromise vehicle integrity and safety. In all cases bonding testing MUST be completed prior to HV power up.

6.2 Guidelines for the completion of a Live Work Certificate (LWC)

6.2.1 All appropriate sections of the LWC must be completed prior to any work/testing being carried out.

6.2.2 The Components upon which work or testing is to be carried out Shall be easily identifiable. There may circumstances where the temporary labeling of individual components may be necessary to satisfy this requirement.

6.2.3 A summary of the completion steps of the LWC are as follows:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Live Work Certificate (LWC)

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules


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