Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 7-8)


7.1. Purpose

This section of the EV Safety Rules sets out the principles and procedures to be followed when working/testing on components within an EV System. Work/testing on an component can be performed in two scenarios.

The component to be worked on is not part of the vehicle HV System and does not directly affect any part of the HV System during the JLR approved workshop manual procedure. In this situation the vehicle HV System is not required to be made safe using the JLR approved HV System Power Down procedure. Providing that the JLR approved workshop manual procedure for the component to be worked on does not request a HV System Power Down then work on the vehicle can continue as normal.

The component to be worked on is part of the vehicle HV System or one or more steps of the repair procedure directly affects part of the HV System. In this situation, the vehicle HV System Shall be made safe using the JLR approved HV System Power Down procedure. The requirement to Power Down the vehicle HV System is detailed in the JLR approved workshop manual procedure for the individual component.

7.2. Scope

This Safety Rules Procedure apply to work or testing on components requiring a vehicle HV System Power Down in accordance with 7.1.2 of the EV Safety Rules:

7.3 Identification

The EV on which work is performed Shall be readily identifiable using the EV system status signs - refer to section 5.2.

All JLR approved workshop manual procedures that require HV System Power Down are identified by the EVAP person icon and include to the HV Power Down procedure, as shown in illustration E231468.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

7.4 Responsibilities

All Persons who perform work/testing on EV Systems have a duty to comply with this Safety Rules Procedure.

7.5 Dangers

The main Dangers to personnel working on EV Systems are electric shock, burns, chemical leakage and mechanical energy release arising from:

a) Attempting to perform work/testing on EV Systems on a vehicle that has not been made safe using the JLR approved HV System Power Down procedure.

b) Making contact with EV System Components which are Live at High Voltage during Live Working conditions.

c) Short circuiting EV battery terminals or connections resulting in:

d) The physical conditions in which the work is performed.

e) Chemicals and fumes from other energy sources.

7.6 General Requirements for work/testing on EV Systems

Work or testing Shall not commence on any EV System Component which is connected to the HV electrical energy source operating at HV unless the HV system has previously been Powered Down.

The HV System Shall be made safe in accordance with Section 3 of these EV Safety Rules.

7.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements for vehicle HV System Power Down.

NOTE: The first used date of the insulating gloves must be recorded.

7.7.1 Persons performing HV System Power Down procedures under this EV Safety Rules Procedure Shall be provided with and use PPE that is correct for the work activities to be undertaken. It is essential that the PPE conforms to the requirements of the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedures.

7.7.2 It is the responsibility of the Persons involved in the HV System Power Down procedure to check their own PPE for signs of damage and replace if required before and work/testing commences.

7.7.3 In addition to cotton based non flammable clothing, the minimum requirements of PPE for performing voltage safety checks during a HV System Power Down procedure Shall be as follows:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

7.8 Authorization of work activities

The Company Shall make sure that any work or testing to be performed on EV Systems is in accordance with section 2 of the EV Safety rules.

7.9 Making EV Systems safe for Work or Testing

An EVAP Shall be responsible for making EV Systems safe to work on or test.

The sequence for making safe and releasing EV Systems for work or testing Shall be as follows:

a) A visual inspection Shall be performed to identify any Hazards that exist or may arise during the course of the work.

b) From the visual inspection the EVAP Shall: Decide on the control measures that are needed before work or testing.

c) Make sure that appropriate tools, equipment and PPE is available for the Power Down/Up of the HV System.

d) Perform an HV System Power Down using the JLR approved workshop manual procedure.

e) Prepare a PTW for the work/testing activity, in accordance with Section 6.1 of these EV Safety Rules.

e) Issue the PTW, in accordance with Section 6.1 of these EV Safety Rules, to the EVCP in charge of the Working Party.

f) Provide, where appropriate, Supervision to the Working Party, for any part of the work/testing.

g) On completion of work/testing make sure that the EVCP in charge of the Working Party signs the 'Clearance' section of the PTW before the EVAP cancels the PTW.

h) EVAP to remove safety measures and restore the HV System to normal operating mode.

7.10 Guidance on the preparation, issue and cancellation of PTW.

General requirements

a) All entries on a PTW Shall be legible.

b) A ball point pen or similar Shall be used to make sure that the originals and the copies are clearly defined.

c) The PTW Shall not be issued until the EV system has been successfully Powered Down in accordance with the Approved Workshop Manual.

d) All sections of the PTW Shall be completed. Where part of a PTW is not relevant then Not Applicable Shall be inserted.

e) A photocopy of the written PTW must be generated after Section 6 (Receipt) of the PTW has been signed by the EVCP. This copy Shall be stored in the appropriate PTW holding place within the Company. The copy is not to be altered after this point. The only exception to this is if the written PTW has been lost, in this instance the copy of the PTW can be cancelled, providing a PTW Surrender Form has been completed and attached to the PTW copy.

f) If any additional work has been identified after Section 6 of the PTW has been completed and a PTW copy has been generated, the following process Shall be adhered to:

g) Any correction made must be such that the contents of the PTW remain legible.

Completion Details for Permits-to-Work must be in accordance with Section 6.1 of these EV safety rules.

7.11 PTW procedures for work/testing that exceeds a working day

Where a PTW is in force and the work has not been completed at the end of the working day, or at the end of a Shift, the PTW must be 'Cleared' and 'Cancelled' and a new PTW issued when the work is to be resumed.

The EVAP preparing the new PTW is responsible for making sure that all the required safety measures and Safety locking Devices are still in place on the HV System.

The EVAP who Issues the PTW is preferred to be the same EVAP all the way through the PTW process. Although a different EVAP can be used to perform the Cancellation and Power Up procedures at the end of the PTW process if necessary. The EVAP Shall sign for the sections they have individually completed on the PTW.

If a PTW issued is missing, an EV PTW Surrender Form Shall be completed and attached to the photocopied PTW which can then be cancelled.

NOTE: Only an EVAP or Higher trained Person is permitted to complete an EV PTW Surrender Form.

If the recipient EVCP is missing, an EV PTW Surrender Form Shall be completed and attached to the written PTW which can then be cancelled.

7.12 EV-Permit-to-Work Surrender Form

The Surrender Form is located within the Workshop Manual on TOPIx. The information entered into the form Shall determine:

a) The reason for completing the Surrender Form (Lost PTW or missing EVCP PTW Holder).

b) The current state of the EV work performed (complete or incomplete).

Once the EV PTW Surrender Form has been completed. The PTW Surrender Form Shall be attached to the photocopy or written copy (if available) of the PTW, and filed in the designated area by the Company.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules


8.1. Purpose

NOTE: Live working should only be undertaken when there is no reasonable alternative and it is safe to do so.

8.1.1 This section of the EV Safety Rules sets out the principles and procedures to be followed when working/testing on HV Battery internal components - this activity is classified as Live Working.

8.2 Scope

8.2.1 These principles apply for all work or testing on HV Battery internal components.

8.3 Identification

8.3.1 All JLR approved workshop manual procedures that require Live Working activities are identified by the EVSAP person icon and include reference to these EV Safety Rules, as shown in illustration E231471.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

8.4 Responsibilities

8.4.1 The EVSAP who performs work/testing on HV Battery internal components within a Live Work area has a duty to comply with these EV Safety Rules.

8.4.2 All Live work performed under these EV Safety Rules Shall be under the control of an EVSAP who assumes the role of the Person-in-Charge.

8.5 Legal requirements applicable to work or testing activities under Live working conditions

8.5.1 The principles for compliance with local legal requirements that Shall be met by the company when working on HV Systems in the workplace, are set out within the 'Policy and Principles' section of the EV Safety Rules.

8.5.2 Where there is a requirement to perform work or testing activities on components operating under Live conditions, i.e. the component is connected to a High Voltage source of electrical energy, or in the case of batteries, has conductors, terminals or connections Live at High Voltages, then precautions Shall be applied to prevent Danger to Persons performing the work, or to other persons in the vicinity of the components being worked on or tested.

8.5.3 Whilst the preferred method of working will always be with the Components proved Dead or at a voltage less than the HV threshold (i.e. less than 60V AC or DC) and effectively Isolated from all sources of energy, it is recognized that work for specified service requirements in accordance with Approved procedure, may be performed with the components operating under Live conditions.

8.6 Danger

The main Dangers to Persons working/testing on Live Components are summarized as follows:




8.7 Basic Requirements for Live Working on Components

8.7.1 The main Dangers associated with undertaking any work activity under this EV Safety Rules Procedure will fall into two categories:

8.7.2 The primary means of achieving safety for Persons working under this EV Safety Rules Procedure will be by means of the following:

  1. Clearly understanding the nature of the proposed work/test activity.
  2. A specific Risk Assessment which clearly identifies the hazards associated with the proposed activity.
  3. Implementing the necessary control measures to control or remove the quantified hazards.
  4. Selection and use of the Approved Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedure.
  5. Competence/ability to apply and work to the requirements of the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedure.
  6. Selection and use of appropriate Approved Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  7. Selection and use of appropriate test equipment and tools.
  8. Control over the access to and from the test area.

8.7.3 All work or testing on components Shall be performed within the confines of a Live Working Area, access to which Shall be limited to Persons who are trained and authorized under these EV Safety Rules.

8.7.4 The Live Work Area Shall have the Red 'Danger - Electrical System Live' Status sign displayed indicating the status of the HV Battery. The Person-in-Charge is responsible for making sure that the correct sign is displayed.

8.7.5 The wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in test areas is mandatory and Shall be selected and used as specified in the Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedure.

8.8 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements for live working activities

NOTE: Live working should only be undertaken when no reasonable alternative exists and it is safe to do so.

8.8.1 Persons performing work or testing activities under this EV Safety Rules Procedure Shall be provided with and use PPE that is correct for the work activities to be undertaken. It is essential that the PPE conforms to the requirements of the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedures.

8.8.2 It is the responsibility of the Persons involved in the work/testing activities to check their own PPE for signs of damage and replace if required before and work/testing commences.

8.8.3 The minimum requirements of PPE for specific live working tasks Shall be as follows:

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

8.9 Diagnostic Test equipment

8.9.1 Test equipment used for work/testing on Components will fall into two categories:

8.9.2 Voltage Testing probes for proving Components Dead - Voltage Testing probes for proving Components are safe to work on or touch are specified in the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedure 8.9.3 Test equipment used for Diagnostic Testing (measuring, monitoring and recording values or data) will be selected and used in accordance with the Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedure.

8.9.4 On each occasion, before use and before switching on, test equipment including portable leads and connecting devices, must be visually inspected to make sure that there are no physical defects that would endanger the user or others, or put equipment in service at risk due to inadvertent movement of test leads.

8.10 Insulated Tools and Equipment

8.10.1 Only Approved insulated tools and equipment as specified in the Jaguar Land Rover Approved procedures Shall be used whilst working on Live Components and Shall be inspected for suitability and condition prior to use.

8.10.2 Approved insulated tools and equipment which become damaged or unserviceable, Shall be taken out of use immediately and disposed of and replaced.

8.11 Pre-work Risk Assessments

8.11.1 The EVSAP Shall complete a pre-work risk assessment of the proposed work/test activity in order to identify the hazards that exist or may arise during the proposed work/testing activity. This Shall be completed using a Live Work Certificate (LWC).

8.11.2 The identified Hazards arising out of these risk assessments Shall be fully considered and the safety measures required to control or remove these Hazards Shall be determined and applied before any work or testing is performed. Confirmation that control measures have been applied Shall be recorded in parts 3 and 4 of the LWC.

NOTE: Guidance on the completion of the Live Work Certificate is detailed in Section 6.2 of this EV Safety Rules Procedure.

8.11.3 The single EVSAP is responsible for initiating and controlling all work activities.

8.11.4 The EVSAP completing a LWC Shall make sure the correct JLR workshop manual procedure is known, understood and applied to the intended work activity and that all Persons involved in the proposed work possess the correct Jaguar Land Rover training qualification to perform the work safely.

8.12 Controlling Persons involved in Live Working activities and Safety Precautions when Live Work Areas are left unattended

8.12.1 If the Live Working Area is required to be left unattended, even for short periods, the EVSAP Shall make sure that the Live Work Area is made safe. No exposed Conductors which are or could be Live should be accessible. HV batteries Shall have the manufacturers lid/cover installed with sufficient fixings to cover and internal HV components.

All barriers and signage Shall remain in place until the work is complete and the Live Work Certificate is cancelled.

All Persons must be withdrawn from the Live Working Area and the Working Party control section of the Live Work Certificate must be signed by the Person-In-Charge (EVSAP). If the end of the working day is reached before the completion of work then the Live Working Area must be made safe and the Live Working Certificate cancelled, a new LWC Shall be created the following shift or working day to continue with the Live Working activities.

8.12.2 Persons are permitted to leave and join the Live working activity by using the Working Party control section of the LWC. The rules for each Person are as follows:

8.12.3 The Safety Accompanying Person positioned outside the Live Working Area Shall prevent unauthorized access, only the Person-in-Charge and the assisting person (if required) are permitted inside the Live Working Area

8.13 Assistance whilst Work/Testing is in progress on Live Components

8.13.1 Persons performing work or testing activities under this EV Safety Rules Procedure can have assistance within the Live Working Area by an assisting Person in accordance with the Approved workshop manual procedure.

8.13.2 The Assisting Person Shall:

8.14 Safety Accompanying Person whilst Work/Testing is in progress on Live Components

8.14.1 Persons undertaking work or testing activities under this EV Safety Rules Procedure Shall have a Safety Accompanying Person positioned outside the Live Working Area in accordance with the Approved procedure.

8.14.2 The Safety Accompanying Person Shall:

8.14.3 The Person-in-Charge responsible for the work Shall make sure that the correct equipment is available to enable the Safety Accompanying Person to provide assistance in the event of an emergency. The verification of the availability of this equipment shall be recorded on the Live Work Certificate.

8.15 Completion of Live Work Certificate

8.15.1 Before any Live Work/Testing a Live Work Certificate (LWC) Shall be issued by the nominated Person-inCharge responsible for the Live Work/Testing activity.

8.15.2 The LWC has 7 parts which Shall be completed before any work commences:

  1. General Information
  2. Work/Testing details
  3. Confirmation of Control Measures BEFORE commencing work
  4. Additional Precautions
  5. Working Party Confirmation
  6. Working party control
  7. Live Work Certificate (LWC) clearance and cancellation

8.15.3 Working party control

Section 6 of the LWC is the Working Party control section and Shall be used throughout the Live Working activity to sign members of the party on or off the activity. Persons within the Working Party can sign off the LWC if breaks are required or the Person is required to be exchanged with another Person of the same or higher EV authorization.

Section 7 of the LWC Shall be signed after the Live Working activity has finished and the components have been either re-assembled to their original built state or left in a safe state so that conductors at High Voltage (HV) are not exposed. The Working Party are also instructed that the Live Working activity has finished and no further work is permitted, all members of the Working party Shall sign to confirm they understand. If the components worked on cannot be rebuilt to their original state and further work is required then this information should be detailed in the additional notes section at the end of the LWC.


 Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 9)

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