Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 3-4)


3.1 Use Safety Equipment and Wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Where any work under these EV Safety Rules and related documents and procedures takes place, appropriate safety equipment and protective clothing of an Approved type Shall be issued and used in accordance with local legislative requirements and Jaguar Land Rover Approved workshop manual procedures.

3.2 General Requirements

No Person(s) Shall undertake any work on Electric Vehicles (EV) with the vehicle connected to an external charge port using the home charging cable (Mode 2).

All Components within the HV System Shall be treated as Live unless they have been made safe in accordance with rule 3.2.1. The components listed in illustration E226422 below are considered to be part of the HV System for the Range Rover Sport (L494) PHEV 18MY and Range Rover (L405) PHEV 18MY, this includes the orange HV cables that connect each HV component. All 12 volt electrical harnesses connected to the highlighted HV components are not considered part of the HV System, therefore do not need to be made safe in accordance with 3.2.1 for any work or testing activities.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

  1. High Voltage (HV) charge socket
  2. HV Air Conditioning (AC) compressor
  3. HV booster heater
  4. HV motor generator
  5. HV Battery Charger Control Module (BCCM)
  6. HV Junction Box (HVJB)
  7. HV Direct Current-Direct Current (DC-DC) converter
  8. HV inverter
  9. HV battery

3.2.1 Work is not permitted on components which form part of the vehicle HV System or components associated with this system unless the HV System is Powered Down and isolated. The Approved JLR workshop manual procedure for HV system power down Shall be used, the key elements of the vehicle power down process are as follows:

(a) All external electrical sources are disconnected from the vehicle.

(b) Vehicle ignition turned off and keys removed more than 5 meters away.

(c) All steps taken to isolate and lock off HV System components from all sources of energy by the use of a Safety Locking Device, from which the components may become Live, this includes both 12 volt systems and HV System connectors.

(d) Verified that the Isolated Component(s) to be worked on is Dead by Approved methods of testing.

(e) Released for work and the safety measures which have been put in place are clearly communicated to the Working Party, which includes the issue of a Permit-to-Work (PTW) which Shall not be issued unless the issuer and the recipient are fully conversant with the precise parts of the HV System to be worked upon, the nature and also the extent of the work to be completed in accordance with the Approved Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedures.

It is the duty of the EVAP issuing the PTW to make sure compliance with the above requirements.

3.3 Isolation of HV System Components

3.3.1 No Power Down or Power Up of any HV energy sources connected to a HV System Shall be initiated other than by the EVAP responsible for issuing or cancelling of the Safety Document(s) for the work on defined EV System (s).

3.3.2 All points of the HV system that could become energized Shall have safety locking devices fitted.

The keys for such devices Shall be kept in a Key Safe.

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules


4.1 General

4.1.1 It is the duty of all Persons who may be involved in controlling, operating, testing, working on or in the vicinity of HV System components, to implement and comply with the EV Safety Rules.

4.1.2 Ignorance of the relevant legal requirements and these EV Safety Rules Shall not be accepted as an excuse for neglect of duty. The responsibilities placed upon a person may include all or part of those detailed in these EV Safety Rules, depending on the role of the person.

4.1.3 All Persons will be trained and certified at the designated level of responsibility. In addition, it is the responsibility of the Persons to check and follow any local safety and electricity at work regulations in their individual market regions and comply.

4.1.4 When any Person receives instructions to perform work/testing he/she Shall report any objections in accordance with section 2.3 in these EV Safety Rules.

4.1.5 The EVAP/EVSAP is responsible for making sure that an HV System is Powered Down and the point of work is isolated from all forms of energy sources, this person has the following areas of responsibility:

a) Instructing all Persons in the working party of the safety precautions and issue of the Safety Documents.

4.1.6 After completion of work: acknowledging cancellation of Safety Documents and instructing actions to restore the HV System to service using the JLR approved workshop manual procedures.

a) 'Confirmation': Receipt of Safety Document(s); therefore confirming the execution of the required work is completed or terminated giving clearance of the Safety Document.

4.2 Persons

4.2.1 Electric Vehicle Informed Person (EVIP)

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

A person who has successfully completed the Jaguar Land Rover Approved EVIP Awareness Course and recognized by the Company as having sufficient competence to enable him or her to avoid any risk and/or hazard.

The EVIP will be authorised to perform specified duties dependent upon their individual competencies, these include working on all vehicle components, including 12 Volt systems that are not part of, or associated with the HV System.

An EVIP must not work on any component that is part of the HV System.

The EVIP Shall comply with these Electric Vehicles (EV) Safety Rules when carrying out work, whether instructions are issued orally or in writing. EVIPs Shall use the JLR approved workshop manual procedures when working on an EV.

EVIP Responsibilities:

4.2.2 Electric Vehicle Competent Person (EVCP)

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

A Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover EVCP Approved training course and recognized by the Company as having competence to enable him or her to avoid any risk and/or hazard.

EVCP Shall comply with these EV Safety Rules when carrying out work whether instructions are issued orally or in writing. EVCP Shall use JLR approved workshop manual procedures.

EVCP Responsibilities:

4.2.3 Electric Vehicle Authorised Person (EVAP)

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

A Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover EVAP Approved training course and recognized by the Company as having sufficient competence to enable him or her to avoid any risk and/or hazard.

Appointed by the Company and certified to perform specific duties which Shall include authority to issue and cancel Permit-To-Work certificates.

In addition to the responsibilities of an EVCP, an EVAP Shall have all of the following responsibilities.

EVAP Responsibilities:

4.2.4 Electric Vehicle Senior Authorised Person (EVSAP)

Electric Vehicle Safety Rules

A Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover EVSAP Approved training course and recognized by the Company as having sufficient competence to enable him or her to avoid any risk and/or hazard.

WARNING: Before any Live Working activities are conducted this Person Shall have successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover Live working training course that is specific for the work to be performed.

In addition to the responsibilities of an EVAP, an EVSAP Shall have all of the following responsibilities.


NOTE: An EVSAP can resume the role of EVAP/EVCP; however, to perform the EVSAP role, the individual must have undergone training to the required EVSAP standard. Therefore an EVSAP may cover the responsibilities of an EVAP/EVCP, but an EVAP/EVCP may not cover the responsibilities of the EVSAP.


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