Land Rover Defender manuals

Land Rover Defender: Electric Vehicle Safety Rules (Section 9)


D1. Approved - as specified in the Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual.

D2 Assisting Person - referred to within the LWC as an extra Person that is a minimum level of EVCP and required to help the Person-in-Charge (EVSAP) during certain procedure steps for Live Working- these steps are detailed in the Jaguar Land Rover Approved procedures.

D3. Company (The) - the organization or company, undertaking servicing and repair work on Jaguar Land Rover Electric Vehicles.

D4. Component - a part of the vehicle requiring service as detailed in the Jaguar Land Rover workshop manual procedures.

D5. Danger- a risk to health and of bodily injury.

D6. Dead - at zero voltage and disconnected from any Live System.

D7. Electric Vehicle - any vehicle equipped with an integrated high energy electrical source system or systems where the nominal design operating voltage is greater than 60V (DC or AC), defined in these EV Safety Rules as High Voltage.

D8. Employee/Contractors - Persons who are contracted to perform work for the Company.

D9. EV - an Approved abbreviation for Electric Vehicle.

D10. EV Status - A sign displayed on the vehicle windscreen, this identifies the state of the vehicle HV system to all Persons.

D11. EV System - Refers to all systems and components fitted to an Electric Vehicle (EV) that are not directly associated with the vehicle HV System.

D12. HV System - An individual electrical system which forms an integral part of an Electric Vehicle (EV), which has a nominal operating voltage in excess of 60 Volts either direct (DC) or alternating current (AC) D13. Hazard - a potential source of Danger.

D14. High Voltage - a voltage exceeding 60 volts AC or DC being associated with an EV electrical energy source forming part of an EV System.

D15. Isolated - disconnected from all sources of energy by an Isolating Device that is locked off and prevents any unauthorized connection of electrical connectors.

D16. Isolating Device - a device to isolate all sources of electrical energy, this could be HV or 12 Volt.

D17. Key Safe - a device of an Approved type for the secure retention of Keys for Safety Locking Devices, and vehicle.

D18. Live - Electrically charged.

D19. Live Work Area- A restricted area accessible to Persons authorized under this EV Safety Rules Procedure specifically for work/testing on Live Components.

D20. Live Working- Work/testing on Components with the possibility of contact with Conductors that are Live at High Voltages.

D21. Live Work Certificate (LWC) - a Risk Assessment certificate specifically for Live Working activity which specifies the work to be carried out, the Hazards which have been identified and risk assessed, and confirmation that appropriate control measures have been applied.

D22. Persons, being one of the following:

a) Electric Vehicle Informed Person (EVIP) - a Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover ' EVIP Technical Training Awareness course'

b) Electric Vehicle Competent Person (EVCP)- a Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover ' EVCP training course'

c) Electric Vehicle Authorised Person (EVAP) - a Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover ' EVAP training course'

d) Electric Vehicle Senior Authorised Person (EVSAP)- a Person who has successfully completed a Jaguar Land Rover ' EVSAP training course'

D23. Permit-to-Work (PTW) - a Safety Document of a format indicated in these EV Safety Rules specifying the safety measures which have been established and the work which is to be performed on EV Systems. This document is only applicable for work/testing on EV Systems that require an HV System Power Down.

Person-in-Charge - An EVSAP authorized to work under the EV Safety Rules Procedure responsible for work/testing activities on specified Components during Live Working.

D24. Safety Locking Device - a device used exclusively for locking-off the points at which the circuit can be energized and its key is unique.

D25. Safety Rules Procedure - a procedure which forms part of the EV Safety Rules which provides detailed guidance on the application of the EV Safety Rules and associated activities.

D26. Safety Accompanying Person - minimum EVCP trained and positioned outside the working area with the safety hook. During a vehicle HV System Power Down procedure this person is required to be in the vicinity of the Power Down activity with access to the safety hook, they are not required to be part of the activity. This person is also required to perform the same role during any Live Working activities, in these situations the Safety Accompanying Person Shall remain standing outside the Live Working Area for the duration of the activity in support of the EVSAP performing the Live Work.

D27. Shall - where " Shall" is used in these EV Safety Rules with no qualification, this indicates a mandatory requirement with no discretion permitted and no judgement to be made.

D28. Supervision - Where another Person is either permanently or temporarily required at the location where work or testing is in progress to support the EVAP or EVCP in charge or performing the work.

D29. Power Down - the operation of Isolating all batteries, both High Voltage (HV) and 12V, from all EV systems.

This Shall be by Approved methods of isolating an electrical circuit to make all EV Systems safe for work.

D30. Power Up - the operation to restore energy supplies upon completion of work/testing.

D31. Working Party - All Persons who are involved in the work/testing on a HV system component. This includes the EVCP who is the recipient of the Permit To Work (PTW) after a HV System Power Down. In the case of a Live Working activity this includes all Persons signed onto a Live Work Certificate (LWC), therefore the EVSAP performing the work, the Safety Accompanying Person with the hook outside the Live Working Area and the Assisting Person required to support inside the Live Working Area.


 Permit To Work

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION The Permit To Work (PTW) shall be completed by a single Electric Vehicle Authorised Person (EVAP) only. COMPLETE SECTIONS 1,2 AND 3 BEFORE THE HIGH VOLTAGE SYSTEM POWER DOWN


DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the battery system and operation, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section of the workshop manual REFER to:

 Battery Diagnostics - 12 Volt Midtronics EXP-1080 JLR Hand-Held Battery Diagnostic Tool

DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION For a detailed description of the battery system and operation, refer to the relevant Description and Operation section of the workshop manual. REFER to:


 Remote Control Electric Winch

REMOTE CONTROL ELECTRIC WINCH - PART NUMBER: VPLEP0426 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION WARNING: Accessories which are not correctly installed can be dangerous. Read the instructions carefully prior to installation. Comply with instructions at all times. If in doubt, contact your nearest approved retailer

 Anti-trap protection

Windows Before closing a window, make sure that no occupants have any body part in a position where it could be trapped. Even with an anti-trap system, death or serious injury could occur. Closing a window onto any part of the body can result in serious injury. Note: If the power supply is lost,

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